New to DZC?

Here are common questions and answers from newbies.

  1. Do you need to make an appointment?
    We only ask that you RSVP for retreats so we know how much food to prepare. For everything else, just show up.

  2. Does it cost anything?
    We only charge for retreats. Everything else is by donation, and the suggested donation is $7 or $25 for the month. We don’t turn away anyone for inability to pay. Just email us and let us know you need a break.

  3. What should I wear?
    It doesn’t really matter. Comfortable clothing makes sense.

  4. When should I show up?
    It’s it’s your first time, try to show up 5 minutes early. If meditation is in progress in the dharma room, please wait until it’s over. (We’re a little more relaxed with garden sitting on Saturdays.) It’s okay to join during chanting.

  5. Do I need to know anything? Do I need experience meditating?
    Nah. If you’d like some instruction, let us know. We have a monthly class the last Sunday of the month by RSVP.

  6. Can I leave early?
    Yep, just wait until the end of a meditation session. They last 30 minutes.

  7. Can I sit in a chair?
    Yes, we have them available. It’s not problem at all to sit in a chair.

  8. Anything else I need to bring?
    Nah. But if you have any more questions, just email us.