Weekly Schedule
The exact program varies weekly and is emailed weekly. To sign up for weekly emails, click here. The general schedule is as follows:
Weekdays (at DZC)
Monday - Thursday
Morning practice 5:45am-7am (bowing, chanting, and sitting)
Evening practice: chanting from 6:30-7:30pm and sitting from 7:30-8:00pm. On Wednesday, we have an additional 2 rounds of sitting, ending around 9:15pm.
Morning practice only 5:45am-7am (bowing, chanting, and sitting)
10:00 am Garden Sitting at DZC. Please show up 5 minutes early. We have 2 rounds of 30-minute sitting and 10 minutes of walking meditation in between. You can come for one round only. Bring a friend! Free/donations welcome.
4:00 pm Zoom Practice ( Zoom only). Short sitting followed by a dharma talk and Q&A or short reading. Free/donation-based.
Exceptions for Retreat Weekends. The third Saturday of the month we have local retreats at the Zen Center. Retreat go from 9:30am-4pm. Fees vary and you can email us for more info, On retreat weekends we don’t have garden sitting or Zoom practice.
10:00 am Morning Practice (Hybrid). Chanting and 30-minute meditation followed by a dharma talk or a circle talk.
Interviews. Every first Sunday of the month we have kong-an interviews with our Guiding Teachers. Interviews are private consultations with teachers where you can ask about your life, practice, etc.
The link for any and all Zoom or Hybrid practice sessions is always the same! Use the button below to access.
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